My Scratch Map
Below you can find an overview of all the countries I have visited so far. My very own digital scratch map. Of course I have a real one above my desk. Nothing better than the joy of scratching away the gold layer for yet another country.
I have been to 51 countries, find out which ones on the map below. I have not written posts about all my destinations but the ones I have you can find here. However should you have questions on any of the places I’ve been feel free to reach out to me and ask any question. I’m always happy to help a fellow traveler.
Make your own Scratch Map!
Do you want to check what you have done and make your own map like the one here? You can share it with your friends, your social network or embed it on your very own blog or page. Just click here and get started. It’s a very easy process, you just go through the list of countries of the world and mark the ones you’ve been to. Remember: airports don’t count, you gotta pass those customs and get out there to explore.
Get Inspired
If you want to know how I became so lucky to have traveled to all these places, check out my about me page. I also try to help out fellow travellers by sharing my experiences in several of these countries. I’ve also created several budget calculators to help you accurately estimate the budget you need to set aside to realize your dream trip. They are all based on my own expenses which I have tracked carefully during my trips.