Budget Calculators
For many backpackers, like me, price is a very important criteria when selecting your next destination. Of course websites like lonely planet and many blogs give you an estimated price per day per kind of budget. There are tons of Budget Calculators out there. However these are often approximations but, although they are useful for comparison, tavel styles differ and people spend more than the average on one category and less on another. Some people crave a slightly more comfy and quiet hostel and don’t spend that much on drinks. Others crave a party and can sleep on the floor after a certain amount of beers.
It is for these reasons that I create my Budget Calculators. I keep track of every expense during my trips and expose this information to you in various ways: averages per category, per day, per destination,… But also a way to calculate your own budget based on my exact expenses. Downside is of course that I can’t offer this information for places I haven’t visited. However it should give you a more detailed price estimation than most other websites.
Below you can select which of the Budget Calculators you wanna try: